As we support more and more people to shift their nutrition, we hear every possible real reason why people struggle to change their diets.
It feels like SO much.
And there are SO many different perspectives on what to do.
The beginning of the 8 week transformation challenge is a really restrictive reset.
While restriction is not the underlying approach in our nutrition guidance, we believe in the real importance of using it intentionally (not reactively).
We restrict from a place of nourishment, not punishment.
And what happens in the first 2 weeks of the reset is that your body freaks the fuck out because it’s withdrawing from sugar and you’re left with headaches, low energy and grumpy AF vibes.
And your mind loses…um…it’s mind.
You start seeing all of the food you can’t eat, apparently getting way more invitations for social activities, trips to take and are taunted by every fast food joint around.
And something that we remind our clients, and ourselves is, that you are the ultimate authority of your health and choices.
So you don’t have to do anything.
But if you want to change, like really change, you do have to do something.
And in the restrictive part of the reset (and the other 8 weeks, really) all those same moments where you’re feeling tired without sugar, tempted at the Bronco’s game and tempted to just swing through Chick-filet because you’re tired and don’t feel like cooking…are all moments where you used to do ‘nothing’ different.
Listen, at the end of the day, you are the one who lives in your body.
Don’t listen to anyone that tells you you have to do anything.
But if you’re unhappy with how you feel, look and want something to be different, you do have to do something.
And once you’ve got that something nailed, the next something will be more doable.
Big love,
The CC Team
P.S. If you want to shift your diet from a place of personal responsibility and nourishment, change your mindset around nutrition, health and weight and join a group to have companionship and support in the process, click this link to schedule a consultation for our 8 week transformation challenge. Next one begins in March.
You get:
Technology that will tell you in every moment what to eat
8 weeks of workouts
8 weeks of deep mindset and accountability coaching so you can stop beating yourself up
Live calls to receive coaching on your challenges