One of the foundational beliefs we have at Confidence Collective is that when you want to change in important ways, you need to give yourself more ways to win.
Making changes in your body, weight, health and energy is a long game. So the part of our brain that likes instantaneous results can really get in the way.
You can quit long before your results will show.
And you can keep doing things you think are working, that aren’t.
Using the Lumen in the new mindset and nutrition program gives you more ways to win.
With the Lumen, you are working with three measurements:
Your weight / health goals:
These change over months and it can take weeks for your body to actually show changes while your metabolism repairs and and your body composition changes.
When your weight is your main progress measure, unless you have a mindset of steele, you’re at risk of feeling discouraged and quitting, or assuming what you are doing is working when it isn’t.
Your breath scores throughout the day:
When you use Lumen throughout the day, you have three other numbers that help you know whether or not you’re on track:
The numbers that you get in these three places show you day to day whether your metabolism is tracking toward your goals or not (and then your coach will help you study your life so you know how to correct it)
Your metabolic flex score:
Every week, you get something called a Flex score. Your flex score tells you how well your body flexes between using fat and carbs for fuel. (Even for weight loss you don’t want to be in fat burn all the time).
If your flex score is below a certain point, you can be most sure that you’re not losing weight.
And even if you’re not losing weight, but your flex score is going up, you can be sure weight loss is on the way.
It adds such an empowering layer of clarity around what is happening and how to adjust to correct it.
Having these three scores give you more ways to win.
Places to make changes each day that allow you to feel like you are making progress (because you are!) even when your weight doesn’t reflect it.
When you feel like you’re winning, you’re more likely to stay in the game long enough to win the championship (maybe for the first time in your life).
It takes work. You’re still going to have to learn about nutrition, adjust your diet, make tough changes to your lifestyle, set boundaries with your loved ones to take care of yourself, maybe with work and for sure your inner toddler, but when you know what the changes are, and can see, in real time, the impact they are making, you’re more likely to stick with them.
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