A powerful food hack

I’m going to get a little tough love with you in this message.

One of the biggest challenges people experience around their fitness and health goals is that they 'don’t have time’ to cook.

I teach productivity to entrepreneurs and the first two things I teach them are these:

  1. No one has time for something they don’t want, or prioritize
  2. Stop saying “I don’t have time” and start saying “I chose not to…”

There will always be more to do than you have time for.

And you can’t confuse something you know you should do (ie: eat healthily and cook more) with the fact that you want to do it or value it

When you stop saying “I don’t have time, I didn’t have time, there isn’t time” and instead start to be more honest and say “I am choosing not to prioritize it, I am not making time for that or I don’t value it to devote time to it” you begin to bring the uncomfortable awareness that you are making a choice to the forefront.

This is in no way shame promoting.

At the end of the day, you should put your time and attention where you choose to. No one gets to morally judge or shame you for not doing anything.

AND, it is a choice. And the more awareness we bring to the choices we don’t realize we’re making, the more we can make choices that are in greater alignment with what we want.

Just give it a try. I bet it shifts things pretty quickly for you.

And if you need a little extra support shifting, book a consultation for our near-sold out challenge beginning on March 10th. We’ll teach you how to lovingly and gradually shift the patterns that have been having you spinning your wheels and upgrade your diet, fitness and mindset to support the patterns that will actually have you get what you want. 

You get:

Technology that will tell you specifically what your body needs moment to moment

Mindset work so deep you’ll stop beating yourself up

8 weeks of workouts

Mindset and accountability coaching

Live calls to work through your challenges

Call us to talk about it, or sign up ($649)!

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